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Jan. 1, 1944

A new and decisive year dawns now by way of the torn Eastern Hemisphere. What will 1944 bring to the nations? In the role of a humble citizen, I would answer; to the disobedient nations it will bring continued punishment. To the nations who have turned a deaf ear to the Lord's messengers, it will bring complete destruction; to this nation, sooner or later, this punishment was to come for its persecution of the anointed and His chosen people. To the hard-hearted, the rebellious, the wicked and ungodly in every nation will come this punishment.


Jan. 2, 1944

Today, the first Sabbath in the new year, I worked as usual, more than nine hours. In deep humility, I ask for my Heavenly Father's help to the end that 1944 shall be a historic year for me. That through prayer and earnest I will overcome the tempter who is striving with such power to sway me from the path I know I should and must follow. At the outset of the new year, I should like to leave a statement regarding the probable outcome of the European war. Italy, France, Romania, Belgium and other European nations which have turned deaf ears to the Lord's appointed messengers, I predict will be torn by war, the bloodiest of all forthcoming battles with untold destruction and havoc will take place in these named nations. I aim to be at work tomorrow. I must now turn in.


Jan. 3, 1944

It is possible for me to earn $127.50 per month working on the two jobs I am doing. This would bring us an annual income of $3300, plus $60 per month from our three working daughters would bring the annual total to more than $4000. A handsome income tax would be claimed by the government from such a sum.


Jan. 5, 1944

Last night was the coldest thus far. Before another winter, I hope we can insulate our home and weather strip all the openings. On the floor in the two front rooms, many hours have passed since the above was written! It is mid-level, "For This My Glory", a novel of Marmon life by Paul Bailey. It appeals to clear-thinking, honest seekers after facts regarding early-day Church history. The story covers a span of years reaching from 1838 to about 1880. Yesterday, I paid to have four names done in the temple. About a month ago, I paid to have five done. A total of nine.